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Nigeria’s population is bursting, and in the face of violent attacks, persons acquire disability and the number keeps increasing, currently Persons With Disability in Nigeria are over 30million (15%) of Nigeria’s current population according to United Nations Statistic. The dependency ratio is increasing, and spaces or our environment is not made accessible by the government or the private sector. The barriers PWDs face in Nigeria is enormous and except we act now, the trend will keep growing and PWDs’ chances of being included into the Nigerian society will continue to shrink. There are numerous environmental, attitudinal and systematic barriers that deny PWDs the opportunity to participate on an equal basis with other citizens.

Advocacy and action in the disability rights movement in Nigeria is very crucial now more than ever. IFA is an emerging force that is working across some thematic areas to improve PWDs participation in various spheres.


IFA collaborates, organizes communities, identifies the issue(s), develops approaches or strategies and deploy tactics to achieve them. Our unique approach is that PWDs are trained or equipped with the skill to lead the process themselves, thereby increasing their agency for advocate. We conduct data gathering/baselines of barriers within the theme of our project, present findings and proffer time-bound solutions or recommendations and drive actions for those recommendations to be implemented by key targets.


 We drive evidence-based advocacy to various targets from education, to elections, politics, and ensure that actions are taken to include more PWDs in the processes of the Nigerian society.

We organize learning sessions; conduct training on research skills for PWDs, citizen election observation skills, data gathering skills and methodologies, etc. to ensure that PWDs have the requisite skills to drive advocacy for themselves.

Located in Abuja, IFA is an innovative and consistent leader within the Disability community as well as in the democracy and governance space with a wide network of allies, stakeholders and various PWD groups nationally which are instrumental to the success of its programs.

IFA through its Access Nigeria campaign conducted Africa’s first, second and third accessibility audits of polling units by PWDs in Edo, Ondo and Kogi states in Nigeria, and made independent voting for Blind voters possible through the design of the braille ballot guide.

IFA through the Music for Toilet campaign, provided 4 solar powered boreholes which is currently serving over 8,000 people in Zawan, Gindiri and Bassa communities in Plateau state. The campaign also provided 20 accessible toilet facilities in School for the Blind Gindiri to promote enrollment of Children with Disabilities (CWDs) and restoring the dignity of Girls with Disabilities  during their menstrual cy